(**PLEASE NOTE: If you pay online you still need to send in your tax form. This service only allows you to pay your tax due balance by credit/debit card, but your tax filing is not considered complete until you remit a properly filled in tax form along with all necessary documentation.)
1. Select one of the following:
Individual Earned Income Tax Or
Individual Local Services Tax Or
Employer Withholding – Earned Income Tax Or
Employer Withholding – Local Services Tax
2. Verify the Payment Type and amounts to be paid and read the Terms and Conditions for using this site. If everything is correct and you accept the Terms and Conditions, click the Continue Button
3. Next, using the text boxes complete the Taxpayer Information and Credit Card fields. Again verify the Payment Type and Payment Amounts. Note that there is a Convenience Fee charged for using this website. Once all information has been entered and everything is correct, click the Continue Button.
4. After your payment has been submitted be sure to print your receipt as verification of payment.
Click here to go to the Official Payments web site and pay your taxes on-line. You may also use the telephone and cal l800-2PAY-TAX (800-272-9829) and enter Jurisdiction Code 4844.